Paul Krugman skriver om Cleantech.
Tydligen någon form av bokreview. Men 2 punkter ska noteras:
". Nick Stern, in making the case for strong climate-change policies, used a zero “discount rate”: he applied the same weight to future generations as to those currently alive. A number of economists argued that this was unreasonable: interest rates and other evidence suggest that we discount the future substantially in other decisions, and it wasn’t clear why climate should be different. And a higher discount rate implied that you should do less to fight climate change now, leaving more of the cost to future, presumably richer generations."
"Weitzman pointed out, however, that we are highly uncertain about the impact of greenhouse gas emissions — and that the form of this uncertainty is such that there’s a significant risk of utter catastrophe if we don’t act. This risk of catastrophe, he argued, is what should drive policy — and it argues for quick, decisive action rather than a gradualist, wait-and-see policy."